Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Joys of Ironing

*yawn* I have a problem now where I wake up at 4:00 in the morning and can't fall back asleep till about 5 or 5:30. When 4:00 rolls around, bam, I am wide awake and in a cold sweat. Hmmmm...perhaps a bad REM cycle around the same time each night? Bad dreams that I can't remember? Either way, I'm finding myself getting drowsy in the late afternoon.

I find ironing my clothes a bit like meditation...until I burned my finger because it was so close to the steam. Although I would never want to do ironing for hours upon hours, it's kind of soothing as long as you pay attention to what you're doing. Just grab some clothes, pour yourself some iced tea, pop your ipod on, and iron away! I get such a sense of satisfaction when I hang up my crisp, ironed shirts in the closet.

I can't imagine what would happen if my mother stopped ironing my father's clothes...he would probably go to work looking like he just rolled out of bed. He can't even use the DVD remote so I can't imagine the state of his clothes if he attempted ironing.
Of course, ladies, if you happen to not be as motivated to iron as you wish you could be, perhaps one of these ironing boards would stimulate you to pick up the iron.

And for the men out there who can actually iron for themselves, there are special boards for you as well.

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