So, apparently (according to people), I'm a bit speedy when I'm behind the wheel of my car. And, perhaps, a little (just a little) hot-headed when on the highways. Only just a little.
It's rather ironic. Everyone in my family is a slow driver, especially my father. Sometimes, I just want to rip the wheel out of his hands and drive the car myself. Really, I don't understand where I get it from...obviously, driving habits are not genetic.
I think the more I have to drive on highways, my speed and impatience increases. But I'm not a bad driver! After backing into my father's truck two years ago, I'm very careful (knock on wood!). I try not to do anything else while driving (that's one good thing) and I limit how much I talk on the phone which makes the speaker option on the phone very handy!

I don't know what scares my passengers more...the way I drive or my reactions to other drivers...sometimes I think they overexaggerate!
And, every time they're in my car, they always point out how someday, the metal star I have hanging off of my rearview mirror will someday cut my head open or gouge my eye out. I find it merely as a defense weapon that may come in handy some day...they have affectionately coined it as my "Chinese throwing star".
Maybe that should be my "one good thing a day" thing...not to get mad at people while driving.
I think some of the most scary/intense/angry moments in my life have been when one of us has been driving and the other was giving directions.
And where in the heck did you get that picture, and what are they doing?
har har har....but, you are right...years from now, i will tell your grandchildren how we almost died at various times because you either didn't listen to me or told me the wrong directions.....
i think i got that picture from BBC...and they are duking it out. There have been times when we were close to doing that...
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