Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shippensburg University Ceramics Students are killing me

I know! Who knew that the ceramics class was out for world domination by slowly poisoning people with the ceramic mugs they made and sold to the campus community?
Well, perhaps I am overexagerating...but not by much. A month or so ago, I bought a beautiful mug that was handcrafted by a ceramics student (initials will not be posted to protect the student) and I was smittened by it. I was oh-so-eager to try it out. Today, I decided that while I was studying hard-core for my exam, I would relax by sipping some Lipton's berry tea in my amazing mug.
After being reassured by a friend that none of the toxic paints/dyes/whatever were used, I stuck my mug in the microwave to heat up some water. Nonchalantly, I took my mug out of the microwave, let the tea bag seep for a while, added my mountains of sugar to my tea, and then settled down for some more studying. As time went by, I noticed spots....small, brown spots....appearing, dotting the surface and inside of my once beautiful blue/purple mug!
I was thinking to myself, "Oh crap, I'm going to die," so I frantically call up my friend Jenn to ask her if I was going to die. She did not know. Great. Well, I sent her some phone pictures of my diseased-looking mug and low and mug was not toxic, spots are just natural.
Now wait a minute! When I purchased this item from the grinning art student on campus, I was not told my mug would end up looking like it contracted leporsy! But, I suppose, as long as I'm not dying, I can live with this spotted mug.
But I did throw the rest of my tea out.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Ahhhh...another lovely holiday! Hopefully, this one won't be rainy and dreary and ugly like all of the past Easters. I love holidays because they would never be the same without relatives...even though sometimes they can make you feel miserable. There is always a maximum amount of time that you can spend with family members before all hell breaks loose.

Despite how much one may wish to throw one's family to the wolves at certain times, they are inevitably a crucial part of a holiday. A holiday should be spent relaxing and enjoying company...not sitting around doing work.

I spent the day painting hollow eggs with the sister and brother-in-law (we blew the yolk out of them) with different colored paints that had a shimmer of gold to make them look a goose laid a golden egg!

Wally's going to have a lot of scrambled eggs to eat for the next few days.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Starting with the Basics

Well, I figured it was only a matter of time before I would start one....little by little we will discuss and draw out just what are life's eight passions and maybe there's more than eight. But eight is a lucky's infinity and even and never ending. Can there be a better number?